How can I help?

Have you just started your own small business and you’re not sure where to start with social media?


Do you have an established business and have never developed a plan to get your social game working for you?

Often your social media strategy starts out with a bang! You have content to share; your new website, new product or service, you share your content and then all of a sudden you have nothing left to share!! You go quiet for a little while, that’s OK, right? You have more important tasks to tackle, like running your business!

Over time your social media strategy falls into the too hard basket. You talk to a few people about what you should be doing, like the youngest person on your team the “millennial”, they must know what they are doing?! Or that friend who has a few thousands followers, she’s got some Insta fame, she MUST be able to help me. You quickly discover this is a path you don’t want to go down, it doesn’t work, Insta fame and being under 25 doesn’t qualify someone to help you build a social media strategy. Then you begin to research the costs of outsourcing your social media and cannot believe it costs that much!!!

You need help, but don’t know where to turn. Look no further, I can help!

I do NOT believe you should outsource your social media! Your company is your personal brand; you should be in the driver’s seat, no one else!

Knowing how to develop, create and manage your own personal branding + social media will put you in control, it will have a direct impact on your business and it will save you $$$ now and for years to come

Book a 1:1 session with me

If you are in the Canberra region, this can be a face to face meeting OR we can have a virtual meeting, especially helpful in the new world we are living in! Whatever works best in your situation.

Complete the form below and tell me how I can help and I will contact you to make an appointment, it’s that easy.

14 + 14 =


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